Meet the Team

Daniel Roehr
Associate Professor – School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Daniel teaches studio, site engineering, advanced representation, living roof seminars, and studies abroad in the landscape architecture, urban design, architecture and environmental design programs. He is a licensed landscape architect in British Columbia and Berlin. Since 2007, he runs the research group greenskins lab at UBC. His current research focuses on the integration of living roofs as part of a holistic system for storm water management. Daniel and his team conduct expertise studies and consult professionally in North America and Europe. In 2013/14, he was a UBC Sustainability Research Fellow and was selected as a member in one of six teams to compete designing the Canadian National Holocaust Memorial in Ottawa. In 2016, he received the Killam Teaching Prize from UBC.

Dr. Cecil C. Konijnendijk
Professor – Urban Forestry
My research, development, educational and dissemination activities have all been targetted towards assessing and promoting the role of woodland, trees and other green space in urban settings and societies. Specialties: Urban forestry and urban greening; green space governance and policy; green city branding; social aspects of forestry and green space management; public involvement; science communication; science editing

Tabinda Shah
Tree Canopy Project Manager – Undergraduate Student of Urban Forestry
My aim in my career is to facilitate saving the world for everyone, and the avenue through which this is best accomplished is sustainable city design. I hold to design as the solution to global warming because the production and manufacturing of goods is what developed so much change, and so we must look to redesigning the system to be one that is circular – and what better way to demonstrate that redesign than through a cityscape, where everyone is migrating to? Ultimately, sustainable design is my passion, be it on a cityscale, or an industrial scale, and along with my passion an employer will find diligence, motivation and innovation.

Karianne Howarth
Landscape Architect – Master Student of Landscape Architecture
Karianne has always had an eye for style and design. Organizing space to be efficient yet beautiful is an obsession which encouraged her to buy, renovate and then sell condominium apartments. Success in these endeavors inspired her to take her skills to a new level, and to another country, to try her hand at designing and building on a half acre lot in Baja California, Mexico. Challenged beyond her wildest dreams, but elated by the accomplishment, the completion of Casita Tecolote in 2014 convinced Karianne that she was ready to pursue a professional career in Architecture and Design.

Zilna Shavidia
Project Design Consultant – B.En.D. ’15, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, UBC
In our world today, being sustainable is not enough. We need to go a step further into a regenerative way of strategic design and thinking. I firmly believe that design has the ability to bring people together, create positive experiences and a sense of community. I want to use design as a means to bring people together. I want to educate rural communities on regenerative development and work with them to improve the health, efficiency and interconnectedness of their community. By working with locals, I want to give them the empowerment of creating and nurturing their home. I would definitely start with in my home country, Kenya and eventually expand globally.

Kaitlyn Gillis
Project Sustainability Co-ordinator – Light House Sustainability Building Centre
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Jim Mandelli
Lead Structural Engineer – JMEngineering
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